How are virtual awards ceremonies organised?
The public recognition of employees, associates, companies and associations consists of more than just the delivery of the award itself. It also involves creating the ideal environment to ensure both the winners of the awards and those in attendance feel they are really part of the ceremony.
Such environments can also be created in the digital world using online platforms that capable of recreating experiences similar to those of the physical world.
What types of virtual awards ceremonies can be held?
The event can be created regardless of whether the winner of the award is notified beforehand or in real time on a virtual platform. Our virtual platform was developed exclusively by our own team and is designed to adapt to the different event formats.
What are the advantages of an online awards ceremony?
This type of event ensures greater reach and disclosure to attendees, who can watch the awards ceremony both from their workplace and from home. All they need is an internet connection. They reduce the cost of the event due to there being no need to travel or to produce physical materials and media. They also reduce execution times. They are more environmentally sustainable and reduce your carbon footprint. It remains in time. While a physical awards ceremony lasts longer than the event itself, an online awards ceremony enables it to be extended over time, optimising the production costs inherent to the event. There is also the possibility of interacting with attendees and of compiling data on attendees in real time.
What functions can I include in my online awards ceremony?
Our platform features multiple functions to enable you to take full advantage of your event.
- Before the awards ceremony: enrollment and registration of participants, including a qualification data form, awards ceremony announcement page, delivery of invitations and reminders by e-mail, areas for sponsors, technical tests, the possibility of the inclusion of an exhibition area for sponsors and a repository for the download of content, planning of the delivery of awards… ...
- During the awards ceremony: control of access of attendees with a username and password. Live streaming of the awards ceremony. Recording of the event. Live voting system. Virtual set, camera and production equipment, access to the exhibition area, networking and one-on-one videoconferences between attendees and sponsors, attendee data in real time.
- After the awards ceremony: Access to the deferred recording of the awards ceremony, expansion of the period for accessing the digital platform, satisfaction surveys, post-event communications, download of attendee files, statistics and reports on the event.